I grew up trying every type of craft I could lay my hands on, but some time ago I fell in love with beads and the endless possibilties of working with them, making jewellery, tiaras, accessories...
What or who inspired you to get into crafting?
Definitely my Mum. When I was growing up she was always sewing, and always encouraged me to have a go. She now enjoys playing with beads too!
What are you doing when you are not crafting?
I work full time so that uses up much of my week, but other than that I love playing netball and going climbing :) and at the moment a large proportion of my time is being spent wedding planning! 

Where can we buy your goodies? www.flutterbies.folksy.com
Do you have a blog where we can follow you?
My blog is http://flutterbiesjewellery.blogspot.com, and I've got a facebook fanpage at www.facebook.com/flutterbiesjewellery
What one word describes you the best? Bouncy :)
What is your favourite food? Roast lamb... mmm....
If you had three wishes, what would they be and why?
1 That in the evening I could just snap my fingers and I'd go from being in front of the TV to being curled up in bed with no effort (I always end up going to bed late because I haven't been able to summon up the energy to go upstairs!)
2 To not be so forgetful (If I forget my glasses again I may lose it...!)
3 To be able to tidy up like Mary Poppins, just by snapping my fingers :) (I love to have a tidy room, but finding the time to actually tidy it is another issue!)

What was your favourite childrens programme when you were growing up? Playbus, but NOT the Dot stop as she scared me.
Tell us one thing we wouldn't know about you?
That I spent four years studying Chemistry at University.
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