Well good morning to you all..... I answered some questions for flutterbies this week, she asked me what flower I would be and I said a Lavender as I would like to be up high so I could have a nose at what was going on.. so as you can imagine doing these interviews on follow folksy folk is rather up my street being a nosey parker an' all.... Here is my next installment with the lovely Debs.. also rather a coincidence me loving lavender as Debs uses it in her designs....
Super!How would you introduce yourself? I'm Debs and I run Pipistrelle Crochet Design.
What do you make? All sorts of
lovely crocheted things! At the moment I'm having a
bag phase, especially these little tote bags I designed - I'm having great fun making those. I also have a few hearts and lavender bags in my shop, but I'll be branching out into cushions and wall hangings as well in the future.
When and why did you get into Crochet? My
mother taught me to knit when I was a girl, and I always enjoyed it, but it wasn't until January 2009 I decided I'd like to learn how to
crochet, so I set about teaching myself, with the help of the internet, magazines and YouTube. Now I much prefer crocheting to knitting - it just seems to suit me much better and flows much more nicely. I used to get terrible cramp from holding the knitting needles, but I don't have any problems like that with crochet!
How would you describe (and what influences) your style?
I'm not sure really. I think there's quite a gap between how I see myself and how others see me. My shop was recently called
'funky', which was a real surprise to me because I never thought it was! What I try to do is create something
modern and beautiful, and perhaps not what people might expect when they hear the word 'crochet'. It's not all shawls and doilies, not that there's anything wrong with those of course!
What one word describes you the best? Impatient!
How do you fit your crafting into your family life?
It's all very as-and-when, really. I have a 3 year old son, who I stay at home to raise, and so I'm very busy with him and his father. I get most of my work done in the evenings after my son has gone to sleep, and on the rare occasions he goes out somewhere without me I can get some done then. I've got into quite a good routine with it now, and usually manage at least an hour's designing/crocheting a day, usually more.
What is your proudest memory? The day my son was born.
What is your favourite flower and why?
Poppies. I love wild poppies and the oriental variety. It's just that wonderful splash of red against the green/brown of the garden or field. They're so cheery and full of life.

Favourite movie?
The Company of Wolves.

If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be and why?
Nick Cave. Because I fancy him! And I've been a fan of his since I was a teenager, and I think he would be a charming dinner guest.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I don't think there were many things I didn't want to be at some point! Checkout girl in Marks and Spencer, butcher, vet, dancer, police officer, all sorts of things. I've always been fairly aimless, career-wise!
What are your plans (in terms of your crafting) for the future?
I'm planning to start experimenting with freeform crochet, and I'm really looking forward to creating some things with that. I'm also planning some larger pieces, like wall hangings, some abstract and some depicting landscapes or seascapes. It's just a question of when I can find the time!
and FINALLY.....
Tell us one thing we would not know about you?
When I was 9 I won a Bucks Fizz record in a disco dancing competition at school. (I can't believe I just told you that! How embarrassing....)
You gotta speed it up... then you gotta slow it down... da da daaaaaa.....
(Yes you told us that.... take the shame Debs!!) xxx